Friday, August 13, 2010

Long Over due Thanks

I have been so crazed with a million things, but all good things. Getting to see people, sweet times enjoying this city and State that we love and the people we love in it. We are looking forward to a trip to the beach this Saturday with some great family and friends both! I am so blessed, but also stressed, and have so many details still. I know it will all work out. Its a very bitter sweet time, with goodbyes and "lasts" but also new exciting adventures to look forward to! I expect many tearful moments over the next few weeks, but I know we have great things waiting for us. I am so glad I have seen time and time again how Gods plan always works so much better for my good than my own plan, I can fall back on that these week of goodbyes and unknowns. 

260. Great blessings of provision. 
261. His promises
262. My rock of a husband who is aways there
263. Beautiful days to enjoy in the Northwest
264. Ice cream and sparkling water on a warm day
265. Wonderful old friends who stick with you through it all
266. Adventures and the unknown
267. Work you love
268. The hope of unpacking to come!
269. Simplifying in the meantime, life without "stuff" for a few months

I waiting to meet some friends last night and was reading The Quotidian Mysteries by Kathleen Norris while I waited. I was so blessed in those few min of waiting and found myself underlining half the book of quotes I loved. Here are some of my favorites that I hope to meditate on over the next few days. 

"The rhythm of sunrise and sunset marks the passage of time that makes each day rich with the possibility of salvation, a concept that is beautifully summed up in an ancient saying from monastic tradition: Abba Poeman said that every day he made a new beginning" 

Dorothy Day said " My strength returns to me with my cup of coffee and the reading of the psalms" 

" I know from bitter experience that when I allow the busy little doings to fill the precious time of early morning, when contemplation might flourish, I open the doors to the demon of acedia." (acedia: spiritual sloth; apathy; indifference)

" I have come to believe that when we despair of praise, when the wonder of creation and our place in it are lost to us, it's often because we've lost sight of our true role as creatures- we have tried to do to much, pretending to be in such control of things that we are indispensable. ..The danger is that we will come to feel too useful, so full of purpose and the necessity of fulfilling obligations that we lose sight of God's play with creation, and with ourself s" 

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you guys! And thanks for the quotes - I think I needed them. :)
